Club Trophies
A rich history of great fishing tales, captured for prosperity.
Members of the Swordfish and Tunny Club are eligible to be awarded one or more of the Club’s prestigious trophies. Over the years these trophies have been awarded to many legendary game fisherman including Tom Bell, Peter Goadby, Ian Cutler, Tim Simpson and Jim Allen. The trophies are awarded annually for exceptional captures and tagging achievements during the year.
The Presidents Trophy
Awarded for the heaviest game fish worldwide.
First awarded in 1934.
The Vida Trophy
Awarded for the most meritorious contribution to tag and release anywhere in the world.
The Don Sargood Trophy
Awarded for the most meritorious capture or contribution tag and release of game fish caught in Victorian waters.
The Tom Bell Trophy
Awarded for the heaviest game fish caught in Australian waters.
The Ian Culter Trophy
Awarded for tag and release effort of billfish anywhere in the world.
The Vic Teasdale Trophy
Awarded for the most meritorious contribution to tag and release of tuna.
The Tom Mitchell Trophy
Awarded for the most meritorious capture of a game fish anywhere in the world on 10kg line of less. (No standard trophy).
The trophy seasons runs from July 1st to June 30th. All entries in our trophy competitions must be made by the June 30th cut off date to be eligible for that season.
Where do I send my entry
Email or write to the club advising of the capture of tag and a release
How members enter a captured or released game fish for a STC trophy
How to enter
Proof of a capture certificate or tag card must be submitted as part of your entry
All captured or tag and released game fish must have been done so under IGFA rules.