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Great news! 2021 AGM and Dinner receives the starboard light!

The First Marlin Game Fishing Documentary Screens at The Bermagui Country Club

For those familiar with our Annual Dinners, you'll also be aware that in 2020 we were unable for it to proceed due to Victorian State Health Regulations. However, come 2021, restrictions have been lifted and we will be hosting a members and guest dinner at The Australian Club on November 19th.

Unlike last year when we stepped the Club into the 21st century and conducted the AGM via an online Zoom meeting, this year the Rowan Ellis room in the Australian Club will be hearing our famous bell ring out again as we call members and guest to take their seats and hear all the ins and outs of the Club's progress and activities. All members (and guests) are of course welcome and encouraged to attend this years dinner, as it gives many of us a wonderful opporunity to meet face to face (something many of us have only just had the liberty of doing here in Victoria and NSW very recently).


The dinner and AGM will cover the following Club business matters

· To receive the President’s Annual Report.

· To consider the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the financial year.

· To elect Office Bearers for the ensuing year.

· To consider any other business which may be brought before the meeting in accordance with the Rules of the Club.


The Nomination for Committee/Office Bearers is a very important part of the AGM.

If you wish to nominate a member who you consider would be able to make essential and important contributions to the Club, please notify Andrew Pennisi on 0413 052 401 before the 12th of November. This will be the only opportunity to nominate for a position. As part of the Club's constitution all Office Bearers vacate their positions at the AGM, and a new committee is elected based on nominations. It is vitally important that we have people on the Committee who are prepared to devote their time and talents to take the Club forward. Many of the members of the committee have held their respective roles for many years, and the Club needs fresh talent to generate new ideas and ensure the Club's future is prosperous. Furthermore, if you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to proxy your vote to another member on matters of business please notify Andrew Pennisi ( for a form.

Club Membership Subscriptions: Season 2021/22

This year all members received their membership renewal via e-mail. Season 21/22 has seen an improved payment method adopted, by offering a secure online payment option that can be made using a credit or debit card. Bank transfers are still available for those wishing to continue with that method of payment. Instructions on payment are outlined on your membership renewal e-mail.

Payment of membership subscription were due on July 31st. The annual fee for season 21/22 has remained at $70. This annual membership includes your subscription to the Club ($42.00) and a GFAA/GFAV affiliation fee ($28.00). In the case you have already paid a GFAA/GFAV affiliation fee as part of another game fishing membership please deduct this fee from your total payment. The Club is well aware that 2020 and 2021 has been financially difficult for some people, please contact our Club Secretary Andrew Pennisi on 0413052401 ( for assistance if this is a concern regarding payment of your membership.

Notification of Captures

We wish to ensure that all fish captured or released are recorded and that our Club's outstanding trophies are worthily won. Could you please notify the Club of your captures and Tag and Release details for the year ended 30th June 2020 by the 5th of November. Club trophies will be presented and announced at the AGM.

New Members

For our Club to grow and be successful, we need new members. If you know of any suitable members for your club and wish to nominate them, please contact Club Secretary Andrew on 0413 052 401 for an application form.

Chris Baty - Club President

Andrew Pennisi - Club Secretary

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