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Australia's first  Game Fishing Club 

The Swordfish and Tunny Club Membership


​First and foremost, we are a game fishing club, here to provide game fishing enthusiasts the opportunity to game fish and be supported by like minded people.


Membership in our Club offers:


  • Fellowship with other game fisherman,

  • An affordable Game Fishing membership option,

  • Affiliation with the Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA), the Game Fishing Association of Victoria (GFAV) and the International Game Fish Association (IGFA),

  • Regular Club activities during the year,

  • The ability to participate in conservation through the supply of scientific tags for use with approved tagging equipment,

  • Eligibility to win prestigious trophies awarded annually for exceptional captures and contributions to tag and release,

  • A membership that enables members to weigh game fish at a recognised weigh station anywhere in the world, and

  • Encouragement to fish for all recognised species of game fish whilst maintaining an historical focus for tuna and billfish.


If you would like further information please contact our Club using our contact from below.


Current STC Members can use the link button below to pay their 2024-25 Season Club Membership.
Membership payments are due June 30th 2023. Please contact if have any issue with the payment form.


Fishing Trips

As part of membership the club assists members by arranging fishing trips at local and overseas game fishing destinations. 


These trips offer a great opportunities for club members to socialise and also fish in locations that would sometimes be difficult to make as a sole angler.


Over the years these trophies have been awarded to many legendary game fisherman including Tom Bell, Peter Goadby, Ian Cutler, Tim Simpson and Jim Allen. The trophies are awarded annually for exceptional captures and tagging achievements of game fish.


Membership in the STC is what you wish to make it. We are more of a passive fishing community of anglers who share a social conscience on how fishing is a fair battle between man and fish. We agree that some of the best days game fishing are when you don't catch a fish, but you spend a day on the water, feel the wind in your hair and sun on your back. However, many of us love to tussle, hook the big one, set new benchmarks and fish until we cannot fish any more. We love to game fish.

Club Fishing Affiliations

We are affiliated with the Game Fishing Association of Victoria (GFAV) and the Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA), who in turn are guided the by International Game Fish Association (IGFA). Their guidance sets the rules and regulations the GFAV and GFAA adopt and we to fish under.

Past Members

The STC has a long and rich history with members who have over time become very highly regarded in game fishing circles and social life. Even well known politicians have held a membership in the past.


As much as we have many active fisherpersons in the club, we also have those who fish very seldom, yet are keen admirers of the sport and the club's rich history. Sometimes hearing the tales of others are far more interesting than creating your very own.


Our Club history book makes a great read of these people and fishing times shared.



Interested in joining the STC?​

If you would like further information please contact our Club President, Chris Baty on 0404 810 308


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